Erica Campus of Hanyang University in Ansan
SMLC Center- • Research for human interaction along with university education and cultivation of manpower
• Demonstration test bed for education and cultivation of manpower - • Date of opening of the Center: 2017.12
- • Introduced system: FaaS Standard (expansion type), (Smart Manufacturing Learning Center)
- • System composition: Linear arrangement for conversion into expansion slot of each equipment 3DP(4 units of FDM), CNC (2 units), handler (3 units), Buffer (3 units), assembler (2 units, and 1 unit each of Gentry and UR), AOI (2 units), AGV and actual injection machine
- • Key roles: Demonstration test bed for education and cultivation of manpower (for education of registered students and industry-academic collaboration researches)
- • SMLC
- - Line for personal experience and operation of smart manufacturing / Line for comprehensive practical education on smart manufacturing engineering theories
- - Expand future career specialized in the area of smart manufacturing / Cultivate specialized and competent personnel for the era of the 4th generation industry revolution
- - Seek to solve actual problems of companies through line operation and execute education through the processing solving such problems
- • Introductory video of the Center: