Korea Polytechnics
Smart factory manufacturing operation center- • Education of employed persons in Daegu region and purpose of proliferation of companie
• Demonstration test bed for education of employed persons and purpose of proliferation of companies - • Date of opening of the Center: 2017
- • Introduced system: Smart manufacturing system (FaaS: Factory as a Service)Standard
- • System composition: 3DP (FDM, 12 units), CNC(1 unit), UR (1 unit), VAPOR (1 unit), ASSY (2 unit), AOI (1 unit)
- • Key roles: Support manufacturing and educational bed for Daegu Campus of Korea Polytechnics, support prototype production, education, production of prototype, and demonstrations
- • Key features: It is used most for prototype production support services and smart manufacturing system education, and 12 units of Cubicon and single 3D printers are arranged in 2 rows. It is capable of assembling, postprocessing and inspection of products, and has the same layout as that of FaaS Gwangju.