Incorporation date / 2016. 7. 18
- 2021
- - Transfer of headquarters (Dogok-dong --> Dongsan-dong)
- - Introduction of FaaS miniature to Hansung University
- - Cobot utilization system development for GM Korea in progress
- 2020
- - Completion of variable jig (SHINT Jinyoung line), ETRI line)
- - Development of SHINT injection automation equipment (using cobot)
- - Supply Safety Tool Cover to GMK (utilizing 3D printing)
- 2019
- - Completion of services for Gwangju Science & Technology Promotion Agency
- - Introduction of FaaS miniature to Yonsei University, KITECH, ETRI and Hanyang University Erica
- 2018
- - Report as a SW business operator (Report No.: B18-148177)
- - Direct manufacturer certification confirmation (No. 2018-0071-01622)
- - Completion of commercialization of multiple 3D printing control platform software
- - LEAFAX, completion of designing/manufacturing of variable jig for automobile door trim
- - ETRI, completion of designing/manufacturing of filament selector
- - FaaS, completion of technology transfer for conversion to IoT (1st application to Erica SMLC at Hanyang University)
- - Korea/Germany project in progress (Smart workspace)
- - Development of FaaS miniature system
- 2017
- - Transfer of headquarters to Seocho-dong
- - Subscription of new stocks and capital increase
- - Acknowledgement of subsidiary research center of the company (No. 2017114937)
- - Completion of FaaS technology transfer (Contract period: 17.11.21~2022.12.31)
- - Completion of installation of Erica Smart Factory Learning Center (SMLC) at Hanyang University and installation of FaaS Test Bed at Korea Polytechnics 6 University
- - Execute company registration research for GM Korea (GMK) (vision solution in 3D scan format)
- - Set up Erica Smart Factory Learning Center (SMLC) at Hanyang University
- - Set up FaaS Test Bed at Korea Polytechnics 6 University
- 2016
- - Business registration of the corporation
- - Completion of technology transfer for multiple 3D printing control system (Contract period: 16.12.15~2021.12.31)
- - Commencement of ‘FaaS related research services’ for Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) of Korea
- - First to design 3D printing-based smart factory (2015.4)
Pursue commercialization (plan for commencing sales in the 2nd half of 2017)- - Execute services for commercialization of HVS FaaS line establishment technology (design, develop and install)
- - Completion of transfer of “FaaS 3D printer management and multiple control technology” to